Sunday, August 21, 2011


This being the very first post to my blog it begs for me to point out several things:

  • The photo above is me and my dog Mozart. Anyone who has a pet that sheds understands that without Mo, baking would be a much easier process. Upon the start of each baking extravaganza Mo is banished to either his room or from the house entirely. The kitchen is de-Mo'd and the process begins.
  • I am very much a beginner. I may have tried many things, but in nothing, regarding baking, am I a professional. I feel it necessary to designate regarding baking as there are many who would tell you I'm a professional whiner, professional pain in the butt, and professional in many other things aside from baking; that's definitely a whole other type of blog.
  • Most of what you see here is inspired by something I experienced somewhere else. As far back as I can remember I would ask my mom for something from a restaurant or store and she'd say "we can make that!". This would more often than not lead to us guessing what was in the item and an attempt to recreate it. My mom is an excellent cook, but guesswork is tough and we weren't always successful. I read a lot of baking blogs so there's always a chance that I might forget that an idea wasn't my original. If I was inspired by another baker, I'll credit them. If I fail to do so, please let me know and I'll correct it.
  • When I come across a great recipe on my own I will share it! I happen to have perfected my buttercream frosting recipe this weekend and you can bet I'm willing to share it after the hours and hours of researching, testing, and disappointment that went into my ultimate success.
  • There may be times when I post things I've made with secret recipes from others. Sometimes people like things to remain a family original, but that won't stop you from doing the guesswork to make your own like my mom and I did when I was little.
  • I don't do this for a living... Nowhere near. I'd love to, but my time is limited so posts could be few and far between.
  • I do not know how to blog. Amazingly, after reading a billion baking blogs I am at a loss for what actually goes into one. I appologize for the awkward, amature, and downright dumb posts that are sure to follow. I should probably go ahead and appologize for this one too.

My hope is that this will be a fun project allowing me to chronicle my journey as I continue with this hobby. I hope to learn from my mistakes and my successes and plan to use this as a journal of sorts to start. Someday I'll probably look back at these posts and be completely ashamed that I ever shared them. I hope so anyway or I will have made no progress...

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