Friday, August 26, 2011

I survived my first day of school

One of the classes I am taking is Public Speaking. This is most definitely my weak point in life; My hands go clammy, my body turns tomato red, my voice takes on a mouselike tone and the actual words come out in stuttering bursts of sound and exasperation. Really not a pretty sight...

I sat through the entire class trying to mentally prepare for the moment I knew was coming, I was going to have to be the center of attention and I was going to have to speak in front of everyone. I can't remember at all what I said, nervous amnesia I call it, but I do remember a little about the other people within the class. There is a 3 time American Idol tryout failee who "isn't one of the crazy ones who just thinks they're good", a sanitation engineer, many new high school graduates, a high school dropout who went into the construction business until it crashed and subsequently realized an education just might be important, and a self proclaimed "wealthy" retired investment broker. This is bound to be good people watching.

I did share my opinions and express my fear openly, but when faced with the imminent certainty that I will have to stand up and give a long winded explanation... I cannot think of anything worse. Maybe being trapped inside a burning building with no possible manner of escape... maybe... but probably not. This is exactly why I am taking this class when I don't "need" the grade or the credit. I don't want this to stall me in life any longer.

A wise man once said, "People have a really hard time going through something painful for a short time to reach the great end result". I like to tell this wise man to shut it on a daily basis, but for once I am listening and I'm making an effort. So shut it!

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