Thursday, September 1, 2011

Happy Birthday Minny Kakes!

In the beginning we got along very well...

It must have sunk in quickly that I was no longer the baby of the family...

I got over it and began showing you the ways of the world...

Mom always said we played so well together...

I couldn't find any pictures where they captured how we didn't play well together on camera...

However, I recall reactions to this picture as being, "They're so sweet to each other when they're asleep!" indicating it must not have been a secret...

Being the genius of the family I taught you to ride a bike...

Of course you had to one up me...

I may have taken credit for your hard work a time or two...

Which one of these angels were they going to believe?!

I'm still ornery and you're still a turd, but I love you now more than ever and want to wish you a Happy 29th Birthday.

I will share some insight into your 29th birthday: You are old.

When I mentioned to my coworkers that it was my little sister's birthday today they asked me how old you are and I said "29!". They're like... "that's your little sister?" YES thank you for pointing out that I too am old.

So, to always bring you joy, no matter how OLD you get, you'll always be my LITTLE sister.

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