Saturday, October 1, 2011

Ice Cream Cake

This was an interesting challenge. White cake on the bottom, cookies and cream ice cream on top, finished off with buttercream frosting.

I baked my white cake in a rectangle Springform pan. I let it cool for 5 minutes and then removed it from the pan. Once the cake was cool I put the pan back together and applied the ice cream over the cake.

Working with the ice cream was interesting... I had to soften it and spread carefully over the cake. I didn't freeze the cake layer before spreading the ice cream on top and it started to break apart in one area. When I do this again I'll definitely freeze the cake so there is a little more stability.

Once I spread the ice cream on top I left it to freeze for about 6 hours before I tried frosting it. With the frosting I had to work very quickly as every time the ice cream would start to melt on an outer edge the frosting wouldn't stick.

The surface didn't turn out as smooth as I'd have liked, but I'm happy with the overall result. Had I done a "crumb layer" that may have made it much easier to work with. Unfortunately I had to make this the same day it was to be eaten due to a ridiculously hectic schedule for this week. The cake truly needs to freeze over night before being eaten. Eating the cake with the soft frosting just wasn't as good as it was when we ate it after it had been frozen overnight giving the texture more consistency.

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