Saturday, January 30, 2016

Burp Cloths

A few months back we discovered we were expecting. Due to prior sad experiences we waited to accept it for a while. This is my first project of many in preparation of baby girl Wright's arrival. The plan is one project a week up to week 30!

I'm told babies make a lot of messes and emit large amounts of goo. Thus the need for goo rags (burp cloths).

I did a lot of research to discover what would be the best way to construct these cloths. I found that using a combination of cloth diaper on one side for maximum absorption and flannel on the other side to prevent slippage was the way to go. 

***Fast forward many months and one beautiful goo emitting baby later and these are a daily necessity. Although my little gal doesn't spit up very often she is a messy eater. I lay one of these over the top of my Boppy pillow while nursing and voila, it's like a baby table mat.